A new adventure – building a house

17th of November 2013, marked 2 years since we sailed through Sydney heads aboard Squander... time certainly flies. A lot has happened in the two years, and I will undoubtedly reveal some highlights in the ensuing blog posts. Amongst many things, my house in Manly got development approval and I have decided to demolish the original shack & owner build a new one - essentially running the job myself... and to record this new "adventure" through regular blog posts. I can't guarantee the kind of exotic photos…

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Lord Howe Island… a dream re-entry to Australia!

In 1992, I met a girl at university from Lord Howe island - Monica's stories and her then boyfriend's stories of the island inspired me to make it a must visit spot. It took me 19 years to get to "THE ISLAND" as it's affectionately called by the friendly locals. The island lived up to all of my expectations and some, it could not have been a more perfect stepping stone into Australia! - Great beaches, incredible scenery, fishing, diving, snorkeling, hiking, good food, a bowling club,…

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