Tree huggers delight… Squander goes au naturale’!!

G'day friends - Nate here. Goodbye Spanish wells, hello EXUMAS !! The day dawned beautifully as we set out from Spanish Wells on a rising tide scraping over the shallow entrance. After our usual strong coffees we set off early to make the most of the day as well as the wind which was predicted to die off in the afternoon. Spanish Wells Seafood shop We were greeted by a nice 12 to 18 knot wind and calm flat seas. Time for some nice sailing, a great…

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In search of Elle.

Port Lucaya on Grand Bahama was a beautiful place, but having arrived there on a Monday morning and in the mood for some fun after our eventful crossing of the gulf stream, we were somewhat underwhelmed by the empty bars, quiet casino and lack of other revelers to party with. We did however meet some cool people like Rick Fleming (G'day Rick hope you've managed to get out of there and we will see you soon somewhere along the way!) who added to the experience of being…

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Grand Bahama… an unplanned stop!

Anyone remember Gilligan's island?? The weather started getting rough, The tiny ship was tossed, If not for the courage of the fearless crew The minnow would be lost, the minnow would be lost. Baptism of fire comes to mind - we sailed into what was meant to be a decent 20 knotter and ended up being a decent storm... Leaving our BIG friends behind - thanks for all the help - skies look clear! The skipper definitely had a slight hint of the guilts having had a…

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