Good Progress… almost locked up

After some of the most creative scaffolding in history, that made building the pyramids look like child’s play, we got the site into a position to start rendering and work towards having the roof installed. Steve had been doing an awesome job building the roof structure from the inside out until this point, and despite appearances that suggested otherwise, we had a safety net to allow us to continue on the exterior of the building. The easy part – scaffolding out the back. There wasn’t enough room…

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Floor baby, walls & roof…

It was both exciting and slightly daunting returning to the construction site after a well deserved 3 weeks off over Xmas. We were due to restart on 12th of January... although I still hadn't locked anybody in to help me as the two carpenters I was speaking with were both being non committal - by the 7th of January both had given me a definitive no, as they had picked up bigger jobs... it wasn’t ideal, but things happen for a reason. I decided to put the…

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Getting out of the ground… 4 weeks of sheer chaos!

I can hardly believe that this blog entry only covers a 4 week period... it was difficult, stressful, chaotic, exciting and most of all productive and rewarding! Many years ago I agreed to do a Sydney to Hobart Race as a bowman on a leaky 40 footer... I will never forget the thought that crossed my mind about 30 hours into the 5 day race as I was holding on for dear life. Alone on the bow of a boat that was spending 50% of time scuba…

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A new adventure – building a house

17th of November 2013, marked 2 years since we sailed through Sydney heads aboard Squander... time certainly flies. A lot has happened in the two years, and I will undoubtedly reveal some highlights in the ensuing blog posts. Amongst many things, my house in Manly got development approval and I have decided to demolish the original shack & owner build a new one - essentially running the job myself... and to record this new "adventure" through regular blog posts. I can't guarantee the kind of exotic photos…

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